WoW players debate when Classic expansion releases should stop

James Lynch
Deathwing sits on a burning building in Cataclysm Classic

The arrival of Classic expansions for World of Warcraft breathed an immeasurable amount of new life into the MMO franchise. With the third expansion, Cataclysm, set to arrive this year, players are asking when Blizzard should stop expanding Classic expansion servers.

For those who stick with the Retail version of the game, Classic remains a fun alternative. For others, it’s their main flavor of the MMO, boosted even further by seasonal experiences like Season of Discovery. There are now two distinct branches of the Classic MMO on offer to players (excluding offshoots like Hardcore.)

At the moment, players are able to access Classic-Era servers or Wrath of the Lich King servers. TBC is now the only one of the first three eras that players cannot access, after those servers were universally advanced to WotLK.

Now, players are asking how long this system can and should go on for.

WoW players agree that Classic WoW should stop advancing soon

In a post on Reddit, one user asked the community for their thoughts on Classic expansions and where they feel the natural stopping point is.

Many felt that Mists of Pandaria could serve as the natural stopping point, particularly considering the perceived failure of the Warlords of Draenor expansion.

One player said: “MoP was fun, probably top 3 for me personally, I do hope that is the last one, classic WoD ? Yeah, that’s a hard pass.”

Others felt that Blizzard may have no intention of stopping any time soon: “Honestly, I thought they would stop with Wrath. Now I believe they are just basically laying the groundwork for progression servers that start at Classic and basically run through every expansion until the one right before the current expansion. When things are to be wiped, you have the option to move your char to a retail server.”

A third said: “When the interest for it stops. I’d say there’s a good chance for MoP as there’s a fair amount of interest, but after that? Who knows. Hell, it can die off in Cata if populations drop off too much.”

Whatever the case, Cataclysm Classic has been confirmed as the next stop for players, with the expansion set to arrive at some point before August 30, 2024. One of the more controversial in WoW history, it has as many ardent fans as it does detractors. What the reception will be like when it does arrive remains to be seen.