WoW players demand Battle for Azeroth-style leveling change before Dragonflight

Bill Cooney

WoW players are demanding Blizzard implement a bonus XP period to help level new characters before the Dragonflight expansion comes out.

With the highly-anticipated Dragonflight expansion on the horizon, and Shadowlands entering the end-phase of its life, players want it to be easier to level new characters.

After playing Shadowlands for close to two years, a lot of the players that are still chugging away in WoW are understandably trying out new characters and classes.

However, getting a new toon to level 60 is quite the slog, so players are requesting Blizzard make things a bit easier with a bonus XP period to finish things off.

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As Shadowlands prepares to wrap up, players want it to be easier to get to endgame content with new classes.

WoW players want bonus XP to finish Shadowlands

In a post on the WoW subreddit on July 10, user AnakinDislikesSand explained why a bonus XP period would be great for players who have stuck around.

“I’m finding myself wanting to try out other classes before it ends since my main is fully decked out,” they wrote. “However 50->60 in Shadowlands is such an intense slog that it makes trying a new class daunting.”

“It would be really great if Blizzard were to enable double exp for shadowlands leveling until the [Dragonflight] pre-patch,” Anakin added. “At the very least let us queue more than 4 dungeons during levelling please for at least a bit of variety?”

Interestingly enough, Blizzard has some something similar before, though funnily enough, it wasn’t originally intended to help players level.

As some comments pointed out, before the start of the Legion expansion, WoW implemented demon invasions, which gave players awesome opportunities to earn XP and some nice catch-up gear for endgame content.

There’s still time before Dragonflight for Blizzard to implement some kind of XP bonus in a future patch, but whether they will or not remains unknown for now.