Best way to get all of Redd’s art fast in Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Collecting all of Jolly Redd’s genuine art for your museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can be a lengthy process, but there’s a shortcut to speed it up.
The wait after purchasing art from Redd can be agonizing, not to mention the uncertainty of its authenticity. Completing your museum’s collection can take months, even with legitimate purchases, but there are ways to hasten this process.
We all know the pain of buying art from Redd and having to wait an entire day for him to mail you your purchase before you can donate it to Blathers – and that’s if it’s real or not. And even if you buy every legitimate piece from him, it takes months to complete the set.
There is another way – although it requires the use of a time travel exploit to speed things up, which is something not every Animal Crossing player is down for. If you are though, and are extremely eager to fill out your museum collection, then keep on reading.
How to get all New Horizons art fast
As mentioned above, you’ll need to time travel for this technique so if you’re not willing to do so, then this isn’t the method for you. There are 43 pieces of art to collect, and include a variety of different paintings and sculptures.
Before you begin the trick, you need to make sure you’re on a day where Redd is visiting your island. To check, simply head to the northern section of beach – AKA the “secret beach” – and look to see if his ship is docked there.
Once he’s there, buy a legitimate piece of art from his store. He won’t always sell a real item every single time, so just be prepared to walk away empty handed sometimes – it’s fine, it happens.
Then save and exit your game, before heading to System Settings > Date and Time. There, turn off Synchronize Clock via Internet, fast forward one day, and then reboot New Horizons back up. Be careful not to go any further than that, or it can mess up his schedule.
If you bought a painting or statue, it should appear in your mailbox for you to donate to Blathers, but don’t worry if you didn’t. After this, simply just save and quit, revert to the day before, and he’ll be back and have new stock. Rinse and repeat until you’ve got everything.
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