Hunter x Hunter creator teases up to Chapter 411 with beautiful character sketches

Anamika Das
Gon and Killua

Hunter x Hunter is returning soon as the creator confirms working up to Chapter 411 and gives glimpses of his beautiful character illustrations.

The beloved shonen manga Hunter x Hunter is on its way to its much-anticipated comeback. Written and illustrated by Yoshihiro Togashi, the last chapter of the manga, Chapter 400, was released back in 2022. Ever since then, the story has been on an indefinite hiatus.

Due to health issues, Togashi was unable to keep working on the series. This, in turn, left the future of Hunter x Hunter in darkness. After more than a year of no news, fans were convinced that the manga would stay unfinished.

The series’ continuation faced a big question when Togashi revealed the possible ending of Hunter x Hunter in 2023, in case he never managed to finish it. This came after his tweet revealing him to be working on Chapter 401, so, this was a huge blow to the fandom.

But 2024 is proving to be a good year for Hunter x Hunter. It seems that the author is now in a better condition and has been steadily working on his manga. He regularly posts his progress on X to keep his fans updated. So far the mangaka has apparently finished drawing up to Chapter 411.

Though we don’t know the full status of the new chapters, this progress still suggests that the manga’s return may be sooner than later, especially since the author just revealed to have finished adding dialogue in Chapter 406. He’s also been keeping his fans hyped by posting many of his character illustrations.

So far the author has given Hunter x Hunter fans little peeks at his sketches of popular characters Gon, Killua, and Biscuit among others. Characters from his other hit manga Yu Yu Hakusho have also found their way into his posts.

Though Huntur x Hunter’s return is still pretty far away with no official announcement yet, fans still have high hopes for this beloved manga. One Reddit user commented, “Always exciting to see updates from Togashi!”

Another wrote, “Took 2 whole days to complete the dialogue of Chapter 406. We’re about to read a novel in that chapter and I’m all here for it!”, while a third added on X, “Togashi, you’re the best.”

The hype for Hunter x Hunter is pretty high and it’s about to go even higher as its return draws closer. But until there is any official release dates announced, you can keep yourself entertained with other ongoing shonen manga like One Piece, Jujutsu Kaisen, and My Hero Academia.