Jujutsu Kaisen fans rally around “cooked” leaker after arrests

Aparna Ukil
Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji's powers

Jujutsu Kaisen fans have been left feeling concerned after suspected manga leakers were arrested in Japan.

Jujutsu Kaisen has been in the news quite a bit lately, be it because of the controversy around MAPPA or the events in the anime and manga. Given the popularity of the series, it’s no surprise that fans around the world react to every piece of news.

The popular manga has already entered its final phase, and there’s no denying that every weekly chapter is keeping every animanga enthusiast on the edge of their seats. There is a high chance that we will finally learn about Yuta’s domain expansion in the upcoming chapter after waiting for a long time. Furthermore, Yuta has severed Kenjaku, and now, it’s time for him to confront Sukuna.

With several intriguing things right around the corner, how can fans not react to the possibility of the Japanese police penalizing their beloved leaker, Myamura?

Jujutsu Kaisen fandom reacts to manga leakers’ arrest In Japan

Two foreign nationals suspected of leaking spoilers from Shonen Jump mangas were recently arrested by Japanese authorities. These two individuals have been accused of posting screenshots of the manga panels before their official release. So, when the police seized every item from the leakers, fans were shocked to see a screengrab of Myamura.

The manga market has skyrocketed over the years, but we’ve also seen several individuals bring the early spoilers of the chapters ahead of their official release. Eventually, they became the primary source for coming up with the chapters, and fans started relying on them instead of the official platforms like Viz Media, Manga Plus, and more.

One of these came out to be Musa Samir, a 36-year-old businessman residing in Tokyo, and the other’s identity is yet to be revealed. After the news of their arrest surfaced, several reputed leakers on X, including OP Scans, deleted their accounts instantly. So, Jujutsu Kaisen fans are constantly keeping an eye on Myamura’s account as they don’t want his account to get suspended.