One Piece anime debuts mysterious character with one unexpected change
CrunchyrollOne Piece anime is currently featuring the Egghead Incident Arc as Episode 1120 debuts a highly influential mysterious character. However, fans all debate over an unexpected change in character design.
One Piece anime just wrapped up the Reverie flashback and will move on to Garp vs Aokiji in Episode 1121. However, Episode 1120 sparks confusion among the fandom as they witness Saint Figarland Garling’s debut.
He is the Commander of the Holy Knights and is rumored to be Shanks’ father. Young Garling looks a lot like Shanks so the theory is all but confirmed. However, Shanks is red-haired while Garling has slightly grayish-blonde hair.
Fans worry if there is an error in the design. However, Garling is rather old so having this color scheme isn’t surprising. Furthermore, we see a glimpse of young Garling in the God Valley flashback, which will likely answer fans’ questions.
“Was not expecting him to be blonde,” writes one fan.
Another adds, “Was expecting the red hair though.”
“In most cases, red hair turns blonde with age, not gray. So him being blonde does not rule out a Shanks relation, it potentially hints to it more so,” adds a third.
“His hair wasn’t drawn with tone stickers in manga like Shanks. It was obvious for him to not have red hair a bit but it seems like a lot of people didn’t get it,” a fourth one chimes in.
Since a few fans were blaming Toei for misinterpreting Garling’s hair, one fan explains, “Funny how people are saying Toei ruined the colors when we literally never got Garling’s color scheme until now. I always figured Garling didn’t have red hair since his hair wasn’t shaded in like Shanks’ was.”
Now that the Egghead arc in the manga is over, you can read about why Egghead is the best arc so far. For more from the high seas, check out our article on a potential traitor and our ranking of the strongest Straw Hats.