One Piece Chapter 1125 brings back Nami’s mentor in an unexpected way

Anamika Das
Nami and Haredas in One Piece

Nami’s mentor in Weatheria, Haredas, makes an unexpected appearance in One Piece Chapter 1125… and it could lead to something bigger.

As One Piece heads deeper into the Final Saga, more and more plotlines are coming together. We’ve already explored why Kuma helped Luffy in Sabaody and the connection between Robin’s home island Ohara and Vegapunk in the Egghead Arc.

Now the manga has brought another seemingly minor character back into the narrative. In Chapter 1125, Vegapunk comes back from the dead – but with a twist. As his primary brain remains, his dead Satellites are eventually revived.

Shaka, Edison, Pythagoras, and Atlas all combine different parts of their body, taking a new (and decidedly strange) shape, but retain their individual consciousnesses. Together, they’re the new Vegapunk, and as such, they must protect the brain from the enemies.

But since Egghead Island has been taken over by the World Government and York remains on the island as the traitor, keeping the brain away from the enemies’ hands is more difficult than ever. Thus, the four decide to move it somewhere safe.

That’s where Nami’s mentor Haredas comes in. Chapter 1125 reveals he’s a close friend of Vegapunk (similar to Clover). Besides, Weatheria is a scientifically advanced nation and thus will be the perfect resting place for Vegapunk’s real brain.

So, Edison calls Haredas, who’s confused (but no less irritated) to get a call from his publicly dead friend, to ask him to have them on Weatheria. Though we don’t see their entire conversation in the chapter, it’s easy to assume what happens next.

In the following chapter, the Satellites will probably move to Weatheria with Vegapunk’s brain. This means Haredas and Weatheria itself may play a bigger role in the future.

Maybe he’ll reunite with Nami at some point, giving her a much-needed power-up. But of course, since it’s One Piece, we’ll have to wait for a long time to see it.

Until then, we have more content to entertain you, including our rankings of the best villains, most powerful Devil Fruits, strongest Straw Hat Pirates members, and saddest backstories of the manga.