Sakamoto Days has already revealed the identity of Fortune Teller

Tulisha srivastava
Sakamoto Days

Shin and Heisuke turn themselves in so they can find the fortune teller and now Sakamoto Days has revealed her identity.

The ongoing arc of Sakamoto Days focuses on the overall development of Taro Sakamoto, Shin, and Heisuke. While Taro busies himself by fighting Order member Torres, Shin and Heisuke train under Kindaka.

However, Nagumo’s sudden appearance lands Shin and Heisuke in prison. Their task is to locate the Fortune Teller, who was once a JAA member. She is currently serving her sentence in prison after making a bunch of mistakes during X’s activities.

Shin has to track down the mysterious person and find out how to improve his ESP. Heisuke accompanies his friend on the dangerous mission while keeping Taro in the dark. Sakamoto Days Chapter 181 then reveals the mysterious Fortune Teller is a young girl named Atari.

It’s clear she will be an important character in the arc. Awaiting the appearance of her “prince charming,” we find out Atari is confident in her fortune telling skills. Therefore, the true reason behind her arrest remains a mystery.

The upcoming chapters will shed on Atari’s past as well as the “prince charming” she’s talking about. Fans already love her design and some even wonder if the person she’s waiting for is either Shin or Heisuke.

“Yuto Suzuki never ceases to amaze me. I genuinely wasn’t expecting the JAA fortune teller to be a young adult. It seems like in previous chapters, they were talking about them being some older person but nope, that’s not the case. This is why I enjoy Sakamoto Days,” writes one fan.

Another shares, “I was not expecting the fortune teller to be like her. I wonder if she’s predicting Shin or Heisuke to rescue her.”

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