Netflix anime movie lands perfect Rotten Tomatoes score ahead of debut

Anthony McGlynn
Ultraman: Rising

A new anime movie dropping on Netflix imminently, Ultraman: Rising, has managed to garner a top score on Rotten Tomatoes ahead of release.

As of now, Ultraman: Rising is sitting at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Reviews of the anime movie started arriving this past weekend, and so far they’ve been extremely positive, boding well for the film. (You can check out our Ultraman: Rising review for our thoughts.)

That’s a strong start for such an ambitious project. It might be the biggest Ultraman superhero movie to ever get a global release. Despite being around for almost 60 years, the hero has never quite broken out of Japan, where he’s been hugely popular since his first introduction.

There are various reasons for this, and a big one is that previous Ultraman releases just didn’t get all that much distribution. Netflix handling distribution means millions of subscribers will have Rising right on their dashboard come Friday, June 14, 2024.

Meanwhile, it’s also a directorial debut by Shannon Tindle, who co-directs with John Aoshima. They’re both animation veterans, working on a variety of franchises, from Static Shock to Gravity Falls and Kubo and the Two Strings.

Tindle co-wrote the latter, and he co-wrote Ultraman: Rising with Marc Haimes, from an idea he’s been developing for almost 20 years. There’s a lot of history soaked into the new movie, and so far, it seems to have been worth the dedication and wait.

In the film, we meet a new Ultraman, Ken Sato, who inherits the job from his absentee dad. Now an arrogant pro baseball player, Ken isn’t keen on walking in his father’s footsteps, but minding a baby kaiju teaches him a thing or two about being a family man.

If that sounds like fun, Ultraman: Rising arrives on Netflix June 14, 2024. Check out our upcoming anime list and guides to Dandadan, My Hero Academia: You’re Next, and Sakamoto Days for other releases to watch out for.