Apex LegendsTSM on the lookout for sub player to complete ALGS Championship Apex rosterDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal and Snip3down clash over Apex Legends devs ignoring pro player feedbackCalum Patterson
Apex LegendsApex Legends pros praise Scump as CoD legend is “addicted” to battle royaleDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal surprised by iiTzTimmy Apex Legends team qualifying for ALGS ChampionshipConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsiiTzTimmy qualifies for first Apex Legends LAN event earning spot at ALGS ChampionshipJeremy Gan
Apex LegendsCoD legend Scump admits he’s “addicted” to Apex Legends and wants to hit Predator rankCalum Patterson