Apex LegendsFormer Apex pro HisWattson reveals heartwarming message from father after retirementDeclan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsOpTic Apex Legends pro furious as PC freezes fall on deaf ears at ALGS Split 2 FinalsJeremy Gan
Apex LegendsApex Legends caster eviscerated for esports hot take: ‘Casters are least important part of broadcast’Declan Mclaughlin
Apex LegendsImperialHal doesn’t like the “direction” of Apex Legends but isn’t quittingConnor Bennett
Apex LegendsApex Legends pro HisWattson calls aim assist “unfair” & wants controller banned in compCalum Patterson
Apex LegendsApex Legends reinstates team with trans player after disqualifying them from $100k tournamentJacob Hale