100 Thieves exit Apex Legends esports despite putting together 2024 roster

Declan Mclaughlin
100 Thieves apex legends

100 Thieves are leaving Apex Legends esports despite putting together a roster for the 2024 season, citing concerns with the circuit and their ability to break even with a team.

100 Thieves jumped into Apex Legends esports in 2019 and have been in the game in some capacity ever since. The organization has not won a major trophy in the game, however, it has made multiple international tournaments.

In 2023, 100T went to all three ALGS LAN events with their highest placement being 14th at the Split 2 Playoffs.

The organization dropped its entire roster on September 22, 2022, and it seemed like 100 Thieves would not be back for the 2024 season. In a post in the 100 Thieves Discord, the 100 Thieves Vice President of Esports, Jacob Toft-Andersen, said the organization had a team lined up to play next season but has now decided to exit the esport.

100 Thieves leave Apex Legends esports

The North American esports organization has been impacted by the negative economic headwinds in the esports industry. 100 Thieves went through multiple rounds of layoffs this year and recently announced a “refocus” in its business model by cutting team size and spinning off its energy drink and game development projects.

In Toft-Andersen’s message about the org’s exit from Apex Legends, he said that 100T has been “hyperattentive on making each title break even” and that they want to work closely with developers in those titles.

100T SVP of Esports
100 Thieves have confirmed its exit from Apex Legends esports.

“Out of principle we didn’t want to continue in the ALGS with how it was structured,” he said.

EA does not seem to be a developer that wants to work closely or take feedback from esports organizations. The developer reportedly shot down revenue sharing via in-game cosmetics with orgs in the ALGS and has since had multiple well-established organizations leave the Battle Royale esport.

The organization’s slot in the North American ALGS should stick with its former players, however, it does not seem like the team has any intention of sticking together for next season. Fans will have to wait and see how the players and EA decide to handle 100T’s slot in the league for the 2024 season.