Apex Legends adding new Karambit knife heirloom with colorful variations

Calum Patterson
apex karambit knife

Kicking off Season 23 with an exciting new melee weapon, Apex Legends is adding one of the most iconic knives in gaming, the Karambit.

Players familiar with knives in Counter-Strike, Valorant, and Call of Duty will all know the Karambit knife well.

Its curved blade and finger-hole design always lend it to being among the most attractive and desirable knives in any game – especially when your character spins it around in hand. That’s exactly what’s coming to Apex as well.

What’s more, it will be a universal heirloom, meaning all legends will be able to equip it. But, notably, it won’t be the same for all the Legends, as there are many unique visual and animation variations for the knife, depending on who is wielding it.

apex karambit heirloom

The official name for the Karambit is Raptor’s Claw, and animator Haydn Cooper described it as “the spinniest melee to date.”

“We put a lot of thought into how it occupies the screen space for the player, how responsive the timings are when drawing it out, and how satisfying the sprint spam is. Which, I will say, is probably my favorite animation to make in the game,” Cooper added.

“The Raptor’s Claw won’t be the exact same for every legend. In fact, there’s going to be some specific inspect and melee animations, that we’re keeping as a surprise for now. We can’t wait for everyone to find those small bits of juicy details.”

During the presentation, we saw the following variants:

  • Red / Silver
  • Pink / White / Blue
  • Green / Pink / Black
  • White / Gold / Orange
  • Silver / Blue
  • Gold / Red / Purple

How to get the Karambit in Apex Legends

The Karambit, aka Raptor’s Claw, will launch on November 5, available in the Void Mercenary store.

Once you get the Raptor’s Claw, you can then unlock the “Crystal Chamber Deathbox and 5 other deadly variants and matching Deathboxes.”

On January 8, the Raptor’s Claw will move to the Mythic Shop permanently.