Apex Legends players discover incredible hidden animation for Alter

Brianna Reeves
apex legends alter

Apex Legends players who use Alter discovered a surprising animation that “adds so much personality” to her character, something most won’t notice.

Respawn placed Alter on the Apex roster in Season 21, introducing a dimension-hopping Legend who revels in the opportunity to watch various worlds end. It’s the reason for her visit to the world that hosts the Apex Games.

Alter’s chaotic trickster routine is reflected in her voice lines and interactions with fellow Apex Legends characters.

And since her launch in May 2024, players have found other ways in which Respawn managed to inject a bit of chaos into her personality.

Reddit user octane2fast has uploaded a clip showing an interesting animation that plays for Alter after she finishes a kill. After landing a finisher, the character will walk forward and start excitedly skipping along for a few seconds.

“Waa, got some serious chills from that one,” she says aloud to herself while still in the skipping animation.

Apex Legends players responding to the Alter post praised Respawn for its attention to detail. One user wrote in the thread, “Apex [has] been having great animations with the newer legends.”

Others applauded how well the sudden skipping moment accentuates Alter’s wild personality. “That is such a nice little touch of visual characterization,” reads one such comment.

Another Redditor chimed in with a similar thought and added, “That adds so much personality holy sh**.”

Apex Legends is replete with neat, character-revealing animations for its vast roster of playable Legends.

For example, Wraith is known for a finger gun animation, though players have learned that other characters can also use finger guns under rare circumstances.

But for now, it seems skipping after a kill is unique to a certain agent of chaos.