Apex Legends Ash mains want a Mad Maggie-style buff in Season 15

Alec Mullins
Ash is a character in Apex Legends that some players believe needs a serious buff.

Apex Legends players are calling for a Season 15 buff to Ash that would make her tactical ability operate more like Mad Maggie’s after seeing the Rebel Warlord’s pick rate skyrocket.

Ash is Apex’s Incisive Instigator for a reason. Her kit focuses on hunting down enemies and trapping them in precarious situations, making them easy pickings for aggressive teams.

One of the main ways she is able to do that is through her tactical, which slows players down and binds them within its area of effect.

However, this ability does take a while to throw and makes her nearly useless until it is out of her hands, so players have come up with some alternate ways to make it more viable, and they’re using Maggie for inspiration.

Apex Legends Ash players call for Mad Maggie-style buff in Season 15

The primary idea is to make Ash’s snare move faster en route to its location. Doing this reduces the amount of time that a player is defenseless after throwing it.

“A speed buff would be nice, it only does 20 damage on its own so it would still reward good gameplay and followups,” one Reddit commenter suggested.

This is the same school of thought that went into buffing the aforementioned Rebel Warlord’s drill last season, which made her significantly more viable according to the pick charts.

Another idea is to embrace an even-newer philosophy and give Ash a second charge of the ability so that she might keep up with (or even match) Catalyst’s ability to control an area and deny movement for opposing squads.

While the latter choice doesn’t fix the amount of time that she would be vulnerable while using her tactical, it would at least give her a utility post that could salve the wound enough for players not to care.

On the other hand, another fan thinks the devs could lean even more into Maggie’s kit and make Ash’s ability a one-handed toss, meaning that she could still fire back while trying to ensnare her prey: “It would be really good (maybe too good?) in close quarters combat if so, but it does need some kind of buff. “

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