Apex Legends Ash trailer pays tribute to Titanfall 2 origin, and players love it

Alan Bernal
Ash Apex Legends with logo

The new Apex Legends Stories from the Outlands trailer gave fans a fresh perspective for a classic Titanfall 2 scene featuring Ash, and players are loving it.

Respawn Entertainment are bringing the former Apex Predator lieutenant, Ash, to the battle royale. The company gave the Simulacrum her own Stories from the Outlands, named ‘Ashes to Ash’, to signal her inevitable release.

In that video was a brief remake of the cinematic that played after defeating Ash and completing the Titanfall 2 mission ‘Into The Abyss.’

Not only did the video provide a crucial update to Ash’s story that paves the way for Apex Legends debut, but it also gave the iconic moment a modern-day update.

“Ashes to Ash” cinematic ties back to Titanfall 2 scene

Ash’s final moment in Titanfall 2 was recreated from a new perspective to drive the narrative for Apex Legends’ new Stories from the Outlands.

There was a clip showing the character getting ripped out from a Titan and getting crushed before falling to her fiery doom.

The Apex community was quick to point out the similarities between the Apex Legends cinematic and the TF2 call back, and they loved it.

“This is the first time we see BT and Jack in action during anything Apex Legends related,” one user said.

“Even if it’s just a flashback I’m still grateful the devs didn’t forget about them like they did Titanfall 2.”

“This is getting freaking epic. Glad to see a little more Titanfall in Apex,” another said.

People noticed the obvious update that the Stories from the Outlands trailer made to Ash’s sequence from the TF2 cutscene.

In the original, Ash is crushed into an era-appropriate visual of red mist. The Apex Legends trailer instead shows her body being crushed and her upper body falling.

It’s a slight deviation from the original, and one that many Apex Legends fans might appreciate since it clears up how Ash can appear in the battle royale for Season 11.