Apex Legends players skeptical of dev’s “compromise” after Battle Pass backlash

Brianna Reeves
apex battle pass

Not everyone in the Apex Legends community is ready to applaud Respawn for backtracking on some of its Battle Pass changes.

Details of Respawn’s planned Battle Pass update for Season 22 didn’t go over well with fans, the price changes counting among the most controversial in the announcement.

Approximately two weeks after the news went live, the Apex Legends studio issued an apology and reversed course in some respects. Most importantly, Season 22 will once again allow players to purchase the Premium Battle Pass for 950 Apex Coins.

Several players and well-known content creators praised the U-turn and Respawn’s willingness to address the backlash. For example, 100 Thieves’ NiceWigg said the following on Twitter/X, “W change and W acknowledgment.”

On Reddit, posts praising Respawn and EA for “actually listening” have gained quite a bit of traction. Another user wrote “we won” when sharing the Battle Pass news in a separate Apex Legends thread.

apex battle pass

However, other community members have expressed skepticism. Some argue the companies likely expected the backlash and then unveiled a “compromise… which ultimately still benefits them as you have to buy the battle pass twice per season.”

Wrote another unconvinced fan in the “We won” thread: “I see a lot of smoke and mirrors. [I] hate the fact they tried to screw us over and reverted just to save face.”

In response to one person saying they’re expecting worse in the future, another Apex user stated the backtracking walks a fine line that keeps fans “playing and paying,” while the company pockets more money without angering users too much.

Amid comments calling out optimistic community members for being “naive” and “gullible,” someone else noted that this constitutes a pattern for the Apex publisher. “EA has built a reputation on making changes, then partially walking it back.”

Apex Legends players can decide the value of these Battle Pass changes for themselves when Season 22 arrives on August 6.