Apex Legends boycott talks build as players slam game-breaking issues in Season 13

Philip Trahan
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Some Apex Legends players are trying to organize a boycott day over the ‘game-breaking’ issues cropping up during Season 13, though that may be harder than they think.

Apex Legends has seen its fair share of issues since Season 13 began on May 10.

From server lag issues to hit-reg glitches with characters like Wraith, players are growing increasingly frustrated with the current state of Apex Legends.

Now, some members of the Apex Legends subreddit are attempting to organize a boycott over these recent issues, though many commenters claim they are wasting their time.

Apex Legends players attempt boycott

Loba Apex Legends teleport
A plethora of bugs and issues have plagued Season 13, like Loba’s bracelet tactical ability once again not working properly, and players are getting fed up.

The post on the Apex Legends subreddit came from user ‘LaughingPrince‘ who asked if the community could organize a specific day when they would all “strike.”

“Hear me out guys! Apex runs pretty poorly and all the Apex subreddit [is] just a mix of Xbox input lag, audio issues, not being able to log in, hit regs, invincible Wraith, Loba bracelet not working…Maybe just maybe if we could all pick one day to not log on EA and Respawn will have an oh s**t moment.”

Despite complaints from Xbox players over serious input lag on the Series X version of Apex for over a week, there has not been official word from Respawn when the issue will get resolved.

The post gained plenty of traction in just under 24 hours, gathering nearly 4,000 upvotes and almost 800 comments.

LaughingPrince is not the only player on board with the idea, as others like user ‘Dear-Gas-3714‘ said they planned on “just finishing my battle pass then I’m probably taking a long break.”

Though, not all players share a similar sentiment, as user ‘Acts-Of-Disgust‘ said, “You gotta be real delusional if you think a boycott is gonna do anything at all. This place is such a small portion of the overall community that Respawn/EA wouldn’t even notice if all 2.1 million members stopped playing for a day or even a week.”

Plenty of comments on the post agree with Acts-Of-Disgust’s logic, saying there is no way the community could organize a large enough strike to make an impact, and that similar attempts to boycott Apex have failed in the past.

Though Respawn likely won’t notice if this boycott does come to fruition, it’s clear that a lot of Apex Legends players are not happy with the current state of the battle royale.