Apex Legends: How to completely block Bunker doors with Caustic gas traps

Apex Legends players have discovered a possible exploit which hands Caustic users a significant in-game advantage, as they can make certain doors essentially impenetrable.

Apex Legends has proven to be a worthy competitor to Fortnite in the saturated battle royale market, surpassing their rivals to be the quickest game to reach 50 million players.

However, after an explosion of popularity on release, the hype has slowly died down with many players feeling that the long-awaited Season 1 battle pass failed to deliver. Additionally, there have been a host of bugs and performance issues that have plagued some users – now, a new way to annoy your opponents has been found.

Apex Legend’s first battlepass failed to meet expectations for much of the player base.

Discovered by reddit user u/TheNothingBox, Caustic’s tactical ability can be used to block enemy players from entering a room with unbreakable sliding doors – such as those found at either end of the Bunker.

By placing gas traps on the door, players are unable to gain access from outside, allowing you and your teammates valuable time to heal up if necessary.

This move would obviously be extremely effective at Bunker in particular, where if the circle permits, you could lock an enemy team outside of the safe zone, forcing them to be eliminated (or make the long journey round the side), without risking your life.

It’s worth noting enemies can shoot the trap to activate it, but the door will remain closed if another trap can quickly be placed.

Apex players also discovered  a method to infinitely place Wraith’s dimensional portals back in February, which has still not been patched.

It’s unclear if this mechanic is intended or not, as it can provide Caustic users a significant advantage over their opponents, but only time will tell whether Respawn Entertainment address the issue when they release their next batch of patch notes.