Apex Legends considering copying Fortnite’s monthly subscription service

Josh Taylor
Apex Legends character Wraith side-by-side with a classic Fortnite skin.

EA has been looking into the possibility of launching a monthly subscription service for Apex Legends, according to a new survey sent to players.

Apex’s survey, according to Insider Gaming’s report, asks participants if they’d be interested in a “monthly subscription” that includes in-game currency, exclusive rewards, and Battle Pass tiers—similar to the Fortnite Crew subscription.

The Fortnite Crew service was launched in December 2020 and has been a staple of Fortnite ever since. For $11.99 per month, members receive a variety of exclusive benefits, including unique skins and cosmetics, 1,000 V-Bucks, and the current season’s Battle Pass for both Fortnite and Rocket League.

While EA has not officially confirmed any such service is coming for Apex Legends, the survey suggests they are considering it as part of their monetization strategy.

Fortnite Crew November 2024 rewards.
All the rewards you can get from the Fortnite Crew membership for November 2024.

However, the company has acknowledged failing to meet its revenue goals following EA’s Q2 2025 earnings report. Despite overhauling the Battle Pass in Season 22, some controversial changes were soon reversed due to backlash from the player base.

As a result of switching up their monetization features, CEO Andrew Wilson claimed Apex “did not see the lift in monetization” and also experienced “lower engagement” than expected.

This is not the first time the revenue has slipped, with the developers previously stating that Season 17 also failed to meet revenue goals back in 2023.

EA’s exploration of a subscription model isn’t surprising, given its history with services like EA Play, which offers in-game bonuses across multiple franchises. With Fortnite’s continued dominance in the battle royale space, adopting a similar monthly subscription service for Apex also seems a no-brainer.

Whether this subscription service will attract enough players to sustain the game’s popularity remains to be seen, especially as Apex Legends continues to battle struggling player count figures.