Apex Legends cosplayer becomes High Society Thief Loba

Joe Craven
Loba Apex Legends Cosplay Season 9

Apex Legends cosplayer Sarenji has shared their stunning Loba look, donning a perfect outfit and wolfish cane as they recreate the High Society Thief.

Added in Season 5 of Apex Legends, Loba has struggled to make a real impact on the battle royale’s meta. However, this could be set to change as Season 9: Legacy approaches, with buffs confirmed for the High Society Thief. 

While her Ultimate will be nerfed slightly (with its cooldown slowed by 30 seconds), her bracelet will be buffed significantly. She “can now run and slide at full speed while aiming the bracelet and while the bracelet is in the air. Loba will no longer be slowed after translocating.” On top of this, Respawn have confirmed a number of bug fixes that caused bracelet tosses to fail.

One aspect of Loba, though, which has been universally popular is her character design. The white standard skin and the wolf cane lend themselves to fan recreations, which is exactly what cosplayer Sarenji has given us.

Loba in Apex Legends
Loba has been a fan favorite to cosplay since she dropped in Apex Legends.

Her cosplay was shared on April 30, and quickly garnered a lot of positive feedback from her 17,000 Instagram followers. The hair and makeup are on point, with attention to detail shown in the earrings and buckles that supplement the white overalls.

There’s also an awesome cane, rounding off the illusion with accuracy and creativity. In the second photo, she swapped the cane out for a Wingman replica, giving her Loba look a more dangerous edge.


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The cosplay even caught the eye of Fryda Wolff, the voice of Loba in-game, saying: “After Shadow and Bone I am VERY into animal canes aesthetic.”


It’s definitely one of the best Loba cosplays we’ve seen, both accurate and creative.

It’s not the first time Sarenji has wowed as an Apex Legend either, showing up this stylish Crypto look back in January.