Apex Legends crossplay bug still ruining Ranked matches for low-level lobbies

Alan Bernal
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Apex Legends players are reeling at a crossplay bug that is ruining Ranked matches as Predator-skilled PC players are still finding their way to low-level lobbies.

By default, Apex Legends crossplay lets PC players matchmake with people on Steam or Origin. Respawn allows them to freely play with the console population if they party up beforehand, which opens up the lobby to more people on computers.

But there’s a glitch in Apex that can let high-level players infiltrate lower Ranked lobbies. This results in Predator PC savants cleaning up in a lobby potentially full of console players.

Apex fans have reported this kind of glitch in the game for months, and people are waiting for a meaningful fix from Respawn Entertainment.

Apex Legends crossplay bug

An Apex Legends crossplay bug lets console users party up with PC players then glitch their way into matchmade games filled with people on Xbox and PlayStation.

At the moment, unintended instances of the bug have been reported. Meanwhile, there are those who exploit the glitch by continuously recreating it across different games.

“Why is a PC diamond player in a console silver lobby?” user ‘Hydroxica’ said. Not only is there a disparity with ranks but also with the crossplay limitations that some people won’t be expecting.

It’s led to matches where a Predator can run the table on console in Platinum, Diamond or lower ELOs. While fans continue to complain, it now lies in the hands of Respawn.

Respawn major Rank matchmade update

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Respawn are targetting an Apex Legends Ranked update in Season 11.

The developers already confirmed that they’re making huge rank overhauls to Apex Legends battle royale and Arenas mode.

This will effectively change how RP is earned in the BR while introducing Rank splits in Arenas.

Players also want Respawn to look into the crossplay bug ahead of Season 11 so people will stop abusing this was to earn easy RP.

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