Apex Legends detective uncovers secret behind insane Vantage two-shot kills
Respawn EntertainmentAn Apex Legends player has uncovered how Vantage can shoot in quick succession with her sniper after a viral clip baffled a few others.
Vantage was introduced to Apex Legends back in Season 14, and quickly became a massive talking point in the community thanks to her Sniper’s Mark and her hitbox.
Some competitive players quickly dubbed her a “trash” legend due to her ineffectiveness in the late game. Despite the initial hype, her pick rate has settled into the middle of the pack in Season 15. Though, plenty of players are still finding success.
One highlight, in particular, caught the attention of some players as it was discovered that Vantage’s ultimate can shoot shots in rapid succession, which quickly eliminates players from a match.
Apex Legends players uncover Vantage tactic to eliminate players insanely fast
Well, one player, Redditor CaptainBlondiee, looked into it and found out what was causing the rapid eliminations from the deadeye sniper.
Essentially, players can stack up multiple shots of her Sniper’s Mark Ultimate, which can then be used quickly after each other. It takes 40 seconds to charge an additional shot, but once its been acquired, it can be fired within a split second of the initial shot.
This, as the Redditor shows, can be done while hipfiring and ADS’ing. The latter appears to be more accurate, with them being able to pull off the devastating kill that had baffled players initially, given the two shots combined for well over 200 damage.
Some players called it an “incredibly lucky” tactic that is akin to button mashing, suggesting that Respawn should address it. “Died to this about an hour ago. Good to know the answer, even better if it’s fixed,” said one.
It’s unknown if the devs will be taking a look at Vantage, especially with such a small amount of time left in Season 15.