Apex Legends dev gives update on private matches for everyone

Connor Bennett
Octane in Apex Legends with black and yellow skin

Respawn’s Chad Grenier has given Apex Legends fans an update on the possibility of having private matches in-game and available for everyone rather than just for tournaments and events.

Apex Legends has cemented itself as one of the biggest games around, but fans of Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale still have a huge wishlist of things that they want to be added.

Some of these are small, quality of life suggestions, but some of them are much bigger – including the ability to have cross-progression on accounts on different platforms.

Another big request has been around private matches. These have been available in-game for esports tournaments and different events, but they aren’t available to everyone just yet.

Respawn have been flooded with requests for new Apex features.

Well, fans have once again been asking about when they can expect to see them in-game, seeing as we aren’t too far away from the start of Season 10.

One lucky player got a response from Respawn’s Chad Grenier, the game director behind Apex Legends, but it wasn’t the detailed answer that they may have been looking for.

“Still in development,” Grenier confirmed on Twitter. “No ETA yet but will have a better idea of which season soon.”

It’s possible that the ability to start private matches was planned for an upcoming update, but as Grenier has said previously, the development of some features has taken a hit as they’ve had to switch focus because of recent in-game hacks.

It remains to be seen as to when exactly we’ll be able to create private games, but at least it doesn’t seem to be years away.