Apex Legends dev shares bad news for Mirage Voyage ship POI fans

Alan Bernal

A Respawn dev confirmed that the fan-favorite point of interest (POI) in Apex Legends, Mirage Voyage, most likely won’t be coming back to the game–much to the dismay of players.

Ever since Mirage’s Voyage ship was introduced to the battle royale during the 2019 Holo-Day Bash in Season 3, people have had a soft-spot for the unique POI that has had recurring appearances in Apex.

With the next Ranked split bringing players back to Olympus, some players were looking forward to the possibility of the Voyage filling in some empty space on the map.

The idea actually got a ton of traction for people who wanted Mirage’s ship as a recurring location throughout Apex’s maps. Unfortunately, they had another thing coming.

apex legends

Respawn Lead Designer Daniel Klein confirmed that the Mirage Voyage had seen it’s last flight after the last time we got to see it.

“Oh the Voyage is CRASHED crashed,” he said. “I think it’s down for good.”

Bits of more Apex lore hints at the possibility of a similar ship one day making an appearance, but it seems like the ship player’s got to know and love won’t be flying high any time soon.

That would be another fan-favorite POI that the Respawn devs retire, alongside Kings Canyon’s Skull Town which was blown up at the turn of Season 5.

Mirage Voyage might have seen its last flight in Apex Legends.

The Mirage Voyage also made a special appearance as an Arena’s map called Party Crasher, after it’s accident in Kómma.

There was hope that the map-traversing Voyage would someday touchdown on Olympus, but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore, according to Klein.

It’s unknown if Respawn have something similar planned to fill in the void of the fallen ship, but we’ll just have to wait and see if future Apex Legends seasons will have anything like it.