Apex Legends dev teases return of fan-favorite Skulltown location

Alan Bernal
apex legends bangalore skulltown

Respawn Entertainment teased the return of fan-favorite Apex Legends POI, Skulltown, which could be coming back to the battle royale as soon as Season 13.

The Kings Canyon locale last appeared in its full form before Season 5 and was blown to smithereens ahead of Loba’s introduction to the Apex Games. Though Skulltown made brief appearances in the Genesis Collection event, it’s never really been brought back in full.

But that might change in the next major update for Apex Legends. While there’s still plenty of time in Season 12, Respawn are already dropping big hints that the KC POI could be coming back to the battle royale mode.

Respawn Senior Producer Josh Medina is keen on what the studio has planned for next season and gave the Apex community a major hint as to where they might be taking things.

Apex Legends’ Skulltown returns

Skulltown appears to be on its way back to Apex Legends according to the longtime Respawn dev, and could hit the live servers after Season 12.

“As this new split begins on our beloved [Kings Canyon]… Let’s make it a good split and await next season,” he said.

Medina accompanied the message with a clear view of Skulltown from its glory days in the form of the internet-famous Grand Theft Auto San Andreas meme. CJ can be seen walking back to the POI and it’s a good bet Apex Legends players will soon join him.

The Respawn dev’s tweet didn’t mention if this would mean a full reintegration of the locale instead of an LTM, or somewhere in between. But previous leaks have given hope of seeing the beloved POI as a part of the larger KC map once again.

On March 22, YouTuber ‘ThordanSmash’ tweeted what looks to be a work in progress shot of Skulltown with barriers completely surrounding it.

Whether or not we’ll see the Apex Legends POI in that form remains to be seen, but all signs point to seeing Skulltown back in some form during Season 13.