Apex Legends developer hints at long-term plan for new content

David Purcell

Apex Legends content, according to reports, with the developer preparing for the future of the project already. 

Ever since the game was first released like a bolt out of the blue on February 4, the overwhelming majority of its criticisms have been related to either slow support – in terms of updates and fixes – as well as the lack of consistent new content. 

The popular battle royale title is not alone in the BR market, of course, and to rival the likes of Fortnite Battle Royale, Call of Duty: Blackout, and even PUBG, there’s no doubt that the game needs to be constantly reinventing itself in order to have its audience stick around. 

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For those who doubt its longevity, however, Hollywood Reporter’s Patrick Shanley has revealed on Twitter that Respawn are expecting to be in it for the long haul with this project.

“Drew McCoy, project lead at Respawn, tells me the team has a “fuzzy” 3-4 year long-term plan for Apex Legends’ future content rollout,” he tweeted on June 8. 

What that will mean in terms of specific additions is unclear. The developers might well have revealed their first-year road map within a week of its initial launch, but anything beyond that point is very much unknown. 

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The fact that a plan is reportedly in place, however, could serve as an encouraging sign for the game’s online community, irrespective of details. 

With Season 2 very much on the horizon for players, as a July 2 start date is already in place, fans can look forward to yet another legend being added to the game and a new weapon. Respawn have lined up both the long-awaited arrival of the ‘Wattson’ legend, as well as Titanfall 2’s L-Star light machine gun to kick off proceedings. 

With Fortnite, a major rival, clearly not slowing down any time soon, some Apex fans would have been hoping to see signs of a future strategy and now they might just have exactly that.