Apex Legends devs address ALGS server crashes amid backlash from pro players

Declan Mclaughlin

The developers of Apex Legends have addressed the server issues that have been plaguing the ALGS this month as pro matches have crashed or been laggy.

Apex Legends pros have been having to deal with server issues and laggy gameplay during their ALGS matches in the month of March. The competitors have gone as far as calling the esport a “circus” as opposed to a competitive endeavor as they said the crashes have compromised the integrity of the competition.

All ALGS regular season matches are played online and pros are at the mercy of internet stability and Apex Legends servers. Professional leagues in other esports like League of Legends, Valorant, CS:GO and Overwatch have their leagues compete in a LAN setting.

Days after the criticism, the official Apex Legends Esports Twitter account put out a statement about the issues and said they have “pinpointed the issues” causing the server crashes.

“As a countermeasure, we’ve deployed minor tweaks to the server, along with the decision to disable Multiview until we can assure the issues impacting server stability have been completely resolved,” the statement said.

ALGS server issues have been addressed by the developer

The developer went on to say that it is working towards a solution for bringing Multiview back for the ALGS experience. Multiview allows spectators on Twitch to view multiple perspectives, a major innovation for battle royale esports, but it appears to be the root of the issue.

The pro response has been overwhelmingly positive as some are just happy to hear from the developer as Apex Legends is notoriously quiet, or slow to respond, to issues in its game and pro scene.

Before the statement was released, some pros called for a delay in pro matches so that the issues could be resolved, while prominent pro player Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen said they should play through it. He said that the potential monetary loss for the league in delaying games outweighs the competitive integrity concerns.

Now, neither side of the debate will have to play out a match-delay scenario as games are still scheduled to continue because of the fix by the developers.