Apex Legends devs backtrack some Battle Pass changes after backlash

Ryan Lemay
Apex Legends coins

After Apex Legends players complained about a change that no longer allowed them to buy the Battle Pass with Apex Coins, Respawn Entertainment reversed the decision.

Along with the decision to remove the Apex Coins purchase option, the Apex Legends Battle Pass overhaul on July 8 changed the pass to correspond with splits instead of seasons and a new Premium Battle Pass tier was introduced.

Players slammed the decision and called EA “money hungry” for adding more transactions and removing an option for players to earn the Battle Pass without spending money.

On July 24, Respawn Entertainment apologized and announced a series of changes to address player concerns.

For Season 22 Split 1, which starts on Aug. 6, players can get the Premium Battle Pass by completing simple challenges. Then, in Split 2, beginning on Sept. 17, players will be able to buy the Battle Pass for 950 Apex Coins, and you will be able to earn enough coins in that Battle Pass for future passes.

Apex Legends pro ImperialHal responded “nice” to the changes, and other community members echoed a similar sentiment of praise.

100 Thieves Apex content creator NiceWigg added, “W change and W acknowledgment.”

Despite the positive feedback, some concerns about the Battle Pass changes remain. Even though the Battle Pass tiers decreased from 110 to 60, some players argue that completing every tier in a Split will be more challenging than having an entire season to complete 110 levels.

Stricter timelines put more pressure on players to complete challenges faster than they would have liked, but it’s at least a possibility now to earn every Battle Pass by earning Apex Coins each Split.

For more on the upcoming update, check out our guide on what to expect in Season 22.