Apex Legends devs respond to accidental tap strafing nerf

Alec Mullins
Horizon in Apex Legends

On August 15 players began reporting a change in Apex Legends that brutally nerfed tap strafing and the devs have now responded to the issue.

When the bug was first noticed players were quick to wonder if Respawn was making good on their Season 11 promise to make significant changes to tap strafing but it seems now that this temporary nerf was simply accidental.

While players would usually be able to rely on this tech to pull off all kinds of ridiculous movement, for the time being, they’re stuck to a 90-degree rotation which pretty much defeats the purpose of trying it.

Apex Legends devs are looking into accidental tap strafing nerf

Once the complaints started to flood in from players, the official Respawn Twitter account quickly assuaged the communal fear and let everyone know the game will eventually be back to normal.

We’ve seen your reports about issues with tap strafing in [Apex Legends] after today and are looking into it,” they promised. “Thanks for being patient while we sort this one out.”

In the time before the devs spoke about it though, the community kicked up the classic debate on whether it belongs in the game at all.

Pro players like ImperialHal and Scuwry had their fun posting memes about the situation while more casual players continued the fight to have the trick permanently removed.

Unfortunately for the latter, that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon, although this could be a sign that Respawn has been playing around with the mechanics involved in order to implement those aforementioned changes.