Apex Legends devs respond to broken Ranked matchmaking and smurfing complaints

Philip Trahan
Apex Legends Wraith

Respawn Entertainment has responded to complaints that some players have experienced unbalanced matchmaking in Apex Legends’ Ranked mode.

Apex Legends has had a bit of a bumpy start to 2023, with widespread connection issues affecting players for hours upon hours.

Additionally, fans in Europe have complained about strange matchmaking during Ranked, such as Element 6 pro player KSWINNIIE, which has only led to more frustration among the playerbase.

Now, Respawn Entertainment has addressed the Ranked matchmaking situation in Europe and said the problem should hopefully be alleviated shortly.

Respawn addresses Apex Legends Ranked complaints

On January 20, 2023, Respawn’s official Twitter account posted the following: “A quick note to our European @PlayApex players: You may have noticed some unusual pairings in Ranked Matchmaking.”

The tweet goes on to explain that “in our efforts to continuously improve Ranked, the team is running a test through Monday focused on smurf detection and matchmaking by true skill.”

For those who may have missed it, Respawn has silently been testing new ways to improve SBMM, or Skill Based Matchmaking. These updates will eventually overhaul the way matchmaking works in Apex.

Unfortunately, it seems there have been growing pains as a result of these changes and tests that’s left many players frustrated.

“Fun test for the players, nothing like ranked bronze and silver getting run over by fullstack preds, amazing. Good thing we came back after a month, this is FUN!” said one player.

While many appreciate the steps Respawn is taking to improve matchmaking, some have voiced their concerns about affecting play for so long while these tests continue.

“I really like that actions are being taken and that there are comms, but do the players really have to suffer for that long trying to grind ranked, getting matched against 3stack preds/masters in bronze/silver? At least give region lock or anything like that, or even a split ext.”

Hopefully, once Monday, January 23, 2023 rolls around the tests will finish and matchmaking will be in a better state. For now though, European fans trying to grind through Ranked should prepare themselves for a bit of instability.