Apex Legends devs respond to frustrating ‘shooting while downed’ glitch
Respawn developers have responded after a bizarre glitch, which allows players to shoot opponents while they are downed, was uncovered in Apex Legends.
Following the release of the Old Ways Event on April 7, players have been eager to experience all of the new content that was added in the last update, such as the return of Kings Canyon to the permanent map rotation.
During fans’ return to the old map, one player uncovered a strange glitch which allowed them to keep their gun out after being knocked by an enemy squad.
The unusual glitch was seemingly caused by them using Revenant’s tactical ability just as the character’s health dropped below zero.
The downed player was able to fire some shots towards the opponents after being downed and, although they did not get the revenge kill, it could still pose some problems for others who might encounter this glitch.
“I popped my tactical as Revenant and was downed at the same time and was able to fire while still down!” u/LovelyxAngel explained, calling for it to be shared with Apex Legends devs.
After the post picked up some traction on the Apex Legends subreddit, Respawn dev ‘RSPN_Hideouts’ responded and let players know that they are aware of the glitch and working towards a fix.
“I got you brudda, thank you!” they replied, later revealing that they were also working on of the bizarre Mirage glitch that has been instantly self-reviving downed opponents.
This is not the first time that an Apex Legends bug has allowed players to fire back after being knocked, as fans had found a similar glitch a few months prior which also had the capability to change the course of a match.
However, with Respawn now working on removing many of these game-breaking issues, fans are hopeful that they won’t have to worry about such circumstances happening for much longer.