Apex Legends devs respond to requests for Ranked duos mode

Connor Bennett
Mirage and Gibraltar in Apex legends

Respawn Entertainment, the devs behind Apex Legends, have offered an update on the potential of adding Ranked Duos to the battle royale – and it’s bad news for any hopeful players. 

It’s been five years since Apex Legends first launched and brought some big twists to the battle royale market. Instead of just letting players drop in and find weapons, Respawn’s take on things allows players to select characters with unique abilities. 

The other big twist on things was that players were forced to play trios – at least in the early going. A permanent duos mode wasn’t added until later down the line, and there are still calls for a solo mode to be added as well. Players can, if they want, play at a disadvantage in trios, searching as a solo or duo. 

However, if you want to test yourself against the best of the best, you have to go into Ranked Leagues.

Apex Legends devs shut down calls for permanent ranked duos mode

As it stands, Ranked has been limited to Trios only and there isn’t a dedicated Ranked Duos playlist just yet, despite plenty of calls from fans for that to change. 

Those fans who just want to play with another player have continued to urge Respawn to add a permanent Ranked Duos mode, but it’s a bit of bad news for anyone hoping to see it happen soon. 

“Dedicated Ranked Duos is not currently in our plans, but we hear the feedback and request,” RSPN_Laker replied, much to the annoyance of some players as the comment was quickly downvoted. “That’s sad to hear,” said one. 

byu/RSPN_Thieamy from discussion

While it may not currently be in Respawn’s plans, that’s not to say that it couldn’t happen later down the line – especially if players continue their calls. 

So, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.