Apex Legends fans outline major concerns for Season 16’s Legend class system

Shay Robson
Wraith Apex Legends Ranked HisWattson

Apex Legends fans have shared their concerns about the new Legend class system being released in Season 16.

While fans are used to getting a new Legend with every season, the Respawn devs have decided to shake things up in Season 16.

Instead of a new Legend, players will be introduced to the new five-class Legend system in Season 16 — which includes a new perk system relating to each Legend’s category.

However, ahead of its release, players are already voicing major concerns about the new system.

Apex Legends fans concerned for Season 16’s Legend class system

With clearly defined roles, all Legends will be placed into one of five classes introduced in Season 16 — with each class having its own unique perk attached to it.

However, in a February 10 Reddit thread, players have already begun voicing their concerns about the new classes.

Player ‘wera125’ noted how the Assault, Support, and Recon perks appear to be much better than the Skirmish and Controller.

Many in the thread agreed with the player but elaborated further on how the classes seem to balance out when taking into consideration the Legends placed in them.

“Controller makes sense so they know where to bunker. Skirmisher I think is intended to be a bit weaker to balance the inherent advantage of movement abilities,” one wrote.

“Skirmisher legends’ pick rate already being much higher on average is why it is the way it is,” another said said. “They probably felt like buffing them more was unnecessary.”

Season 16’s release is right around the corner and is expected to be a breath of fresh air for players after a longer-than-usual Season 15. We guess we’ll just have to wait and see how the new Legend classes pan out.