Apex Legends finally makes long-awaited holospray change – but kept it secret

Connor Bennett

Apex Legends players have noticed that Respawn have made a slight change to Holosprays that they didn’t mention in the patch notes, but it’s something fans have wanted for a long time. 

Just like pretty much every multiplayer game on the market these days, Respawn Entertainment have dipped into the cosmetics side of things – offering fans the ability to buy weapon skins, character skins, and a whole host of other items.

While skins have been around in Apex since the start, one of the more recent additions has come in the form of Holosprays. Introduced back in Season 6, these Holosprays are a way to taunt enemies after you’ve killed them, as you can leave a personal message from your legend of choice.

However, after a few have been placed down, the sprays can cause a bit of visual clutter and have previously made it difficult to see players who may be standing behind them. Though, that has since changed.

Mirage Bamboozled holospray in Apex Legends
Holosprays typically come with a personalized message from the legen who uses it.

The under-the-radar tweak was noted by YouTuber Skeptation, who highlighted the fact that now, when holosprays are placed, they will fold down to the ground if you aim down sights near them.

This means that you no longer have to worry about an enemy being tough to see behind a Holospray, but players who have used them as cover before will now miss out.

As the YouTuber notes, it wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes for the Awakening Collection Event, but it has apparently only been happening after the update went live. Why Respawn didn’t choose to mention it is anyone’s guess.

Obviously, it’s not the biggest or most pressing change in the game, but it is something fans have been requesting for quite some time. So, plenty will be pleased.

Plus, if you hadn’t noticed it, you’re not alone, but just be glad that things have finally been tweaked.