Apex Legends is getting new custom reticles with RGB color system

Alan Bernal
apex legends caustic color reticules

Respawn are bringing custom reticles to Apex Legends with a complete RGB color system for players to finally personalize their own crosshairs.

The company revealed the new quality of life feature headed to the battle royale in the Apex Legends Raiders Collection Event announcement. Along with different buffs and nerfs in the upcoming update, the devs are going to deliver on one of the biggest requests for the game.

Though players will have a lot of control to tweak the different hues, Respawn’s system will color correct some selections so that they can be compatible throughout different backgrounds.

This is a big leap for people to tailor the Apex experience to fit them and will let players move past certain workarounds that achieved a similar effect.

Custom reticles are coming to Apex Legends with the December 7 Raiders Collection Event update. After the patch, people can navigate to the Gameplay Settings where they will find a ‘Customize’ option under Reticule.

Apex players will be able to select different presets, adjust their own brightness and hues with sliders, or manually enter RGB colors. Selections can even be previewed with different backdrops to see if players like their pick.

The studio has warned against darker colors, however, due to the fact that they might become ‘invisible’ in certain conditions.

For people who manually enter darker RGB values for the reticule, it’ll be slightly changed to “keep that hue but will bring that value closer to a safe color,” Respawn said.

apex legends color reticule
The new custom reticle color system coming in the Apex Legends Raiders Collection Event update.

Respawn Senior Technical Experience Designer on Apex Legends, Justin Masse, showed how the feature will work while also revealing that custom colors will affect everything except the 1x Digital Threat and 4x-10x Digital Sniper Threat.

The Apex player base has been waiting for a long time to customize their reticules in the battle royale.

Without a concrete feature to facilitate the changes, people would instead opt to switch between different colorblind settings that would achieve a similar effect.