Apex Legends is losing players as Steam player count hits lowest in over 3 years

Connor Bennett
apex legends alter

Apex Legends has fallen to its lowest player count in over three years on Steam, with many fans deciding they’ve had enough of Respawn’s battle royale. 

When Respawn Entertainment first launched Apex Legends, they brought a shake-up to the battle royale scene that the genre had yet to see. While the formula of drop, loot, and survive was the same as Fortnite and PUBG, Apex’s twist of having characters with unique abilities immediately propelled it to the top of the gaming world.

The futuristic battle royale had remained up there for a fair few years, but it has started to drop off. Players have complained about Respawn’s changes to the gameplay, cheaters running wild, and constant server problems.

While the devs attempted to address a few of those issues in Season 22, it hasn’t exactly gone to plan. Fans have been annoyed by Crypto’s new Off the Grid ability, which allows him to go invisible while using the drone, amongst a few other issues.

As a result, Apex’s player count has continued to drop. This follows the slight hiccups of the last few months where players have walked away from the game, but as of early September, it has now reached its lowest point on Steam in over three years.

As per SteamCharts, the average player count on Steam has been a tick above 120k. This is the lowest its been since February 2021, when it also clocked in at around 120k.

Screenshot of Apex Legends player count on Steam Charts for August 2024
Apex’s Steam Player Count is at its lowest point since 2021.

That number is set to bottom out again as well, as, for the last 30 days, the average player count has dropped to 112k. 

The peak player count has also dropped way down to 260k in the last month, which is lower than August’s peak of 314k. 

Of course, this is only the Steam count and doesn’t factor in consoles or EA’s Origin platform. However, it should be concerning enough to get on Respawn’s radar when it comes to considering future changes.