Apex Legends leak reveals Apex Coins & store changes coming soon

Connor Bennett
Apex Coins and Apex Legends logo on red background

A fresh Apex Legends leak has revealed that players will soon be able to purchase different amounts of coins, with the minimum amount finally dipping under 1000 coins. 

Just like plenty of other multiplayer titles, Respawn Entertainment has kept things fresh in Apex Legends with a raft of new cosmetics and purchasable items.

To get your hands on a new legend, skin, or set of Apex Packs, you need to dip into your wallet and buy Apex Coins. These Apex Coins come in bundles of 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, and 10,000 – but the prices of skins and cosmetics have been changing over time, making some players call for smaller bundles or even custom amounts.

With Respawn introducing cheaper and cheaper cosmetics over the last few seasons, it seems as if players are finally going to get their wish before long, and they won’t just have to buy 1000 coins each time.

Respawn Entertainment - Apex LegendsA look at the cost of the in-game currency in Apex Legends.

According to fresh leaks, which have been highlighted by KralRindo and other dataminers, a new 500 coin bundle is set to be introduced into the Apex Legends store.

The smaller coin amount, which has not yet had its price revealed, has appeared on a image of the store that now shows five bundles of coins instead of the usual four.

“Added with last patch, 500 Apex Coins coming soon to the store,” the dataminer tweeted. Though, there is no advance beyond “coming soon” about when the new set of coins will arrive.


Some players have speculated that it may arrive as a part of the annual summer sale, which is set to go live at some point in July, given there will be plenty of new items in the store.

July 5th has been touted as a possible date, but as of now, we’ll just have to play the wait-and-see game until Respawn decides to make things official.