Apex Legends leaks unveil new ‘Date Night’ LTM coming soon

Joe Craven
Horizon and Wattson with hands together in Apex Legends

Fresh Apex Legends leaks have shed light on another new limited-time-mode (LTM), reportedly entitled ‘Date Night Duos’ and dropping just ahead of Season 16. 

LTMs have long been an integral part of Apex Legends’ multiplayer. Respawn uses them to shake up core aspects of the battle royale, letting players enjoy the 2019 title’s engine and mechanics outside of the typical BR modes. 

We’ve seen a huge variety of LTMs come and go, including a long-requested Solos mode. However, Respawn have expressed their reluctance to make LTMs permanent options, explaining that their focus is, and will continue to be, on the battle royale. 

That doesn’t mean new and exciting LTMs are off the table though. In fact, according to new leaks, there’s more to look forward to. 

Apex Legends ‘Date Night Duos’ LTM leaked

On January 10, Apex leaker ‘iLootGames’ revealed the ‘Date Night Duos’ LTM coming soon. 

The mode’s description reads: “Become the Apex Games’ cutest couple! This special twist on Duos is available for a limited time.” 

Specifically, the LTM will add a “unique healing mechanic”. Whenever one member of a duo uses a healing item (health or shields), their teammate will also receive the effects of the item – so long as they are close enough to the user. 

It will also introduce a new Limited Time Weapon: the Heart Stealer. It will be a bow with “all the functions of the regular Bocek, but additionally heals any allies near you when you damage an Enemy Legend.” 

The data miner also revealed exactly when to expect the LTM to drop, pinpointing February 7 as its anticipated release date. 

That’s just one week ahead of Season 16’s anticipated release, with the new season of content currently chalked for release on Valentine’s Day. 

It’s set to bring huge changes to the Apex Games, with an overhaul to Legend classification and abilities a standout feature.