Apex Legends level cap increase finally coming in Season 14

Alec Mullins
Apex Legends level cap

Apex Legends’ level cap has been stagnant for nearly two years but after several waves of community requests for a new max, Season 14 is finally giving players something to work towards.

The Apex Legends level cap has been stuck in the mud for quite some time. At launch, there were 100 levels for players to take on but that number was quickly bumped up to 500 in December 2019.

That’s where it has remained for the last two and a half years, but the new season is bringing all kinds of changes and a new endcap is just one of those additions.

Apex Legends level cap increase in Season 14

Respawn confirmed the news on the game’s website (alongside images of Vantage, the new Legend joining the Apex Games this season)

“Aim for staggering heights with the new Level Cap Increase,” the site says.

Vantage Apex Legends

There’s no word yet on how high the cap is being extended, but leakers have theorized that it could be as far up as level 700.

Just like the last update of its kind, this one will likely bring new cosmetics that commemorate the important benchmark levels on the way up to the new endgame.

This also means players should be getting more chances to score free Apex Packs as well, as the 2019 update brought the total number of in-game freebies up to 199 overall.

Of course, that’s all speculation until the new season arrives on August 9.