Apex Legends map glitch lets you land outside of World’s Edge

Theo Salaun

A newly discovered Apex Legends glitch allows players to land (and even hang out) on the rocks that are outside of the base World’s Edge map.

World’s Edge is a big map – about 150 percent the size of Apex Legends’ first map, King’s Canyon. But some aren’t satisfied with the map’s size and, as demonstrated by Redditor ‘AloeSnazzy,’ are willing to test its outmost extents of travel.

While King’s Canyon already had a significant 15 points of interest, World’s Edge ups the ante with a full 19. Bordered by rocky terrain, the combat perimeter is generally constrained to various buildings and some spicy lava settings.

Apex Legends’ World’s Edge map is full of lava, cities and bordered by tempting mountaintops.


Typically, when you land on a mountaintop that is too elevated, or too far away to be intended for gameplay, the game notifies you that you are “not in the battle zone” and deploys a countdown timer. At the end of that countdown timer, you are kicked from the match.

This makes sense, as developers don’t want players using unfair vantage points in a battle royale predicated on equal footing.

However, ‘AloeSnazzy’ has discovered that some mountaintops, far outside the traditional battle zone, are accessible without being kicked—an obvious glitch in the void.


By deploying past the top of the map, westward of Survey Camp and directly north of Skyhook, a player can casually descend atop the bordering topography.

Although it’s an interesting glitch, there fortunately seems to be no perk to landing out there, as you are immediately trapped upon doing so. Given its distance, you can’t jump to reach legal land or even, as Pathfinder, zipline to safety. 

There are only two real uses for this glitch: 1) You can land there and, circle permitting, survive for long enough to earn some easy placement points. 2) You can troll your friends as squad leader and show off some nifty, fairly useless map awareness.

World's Edge's lava biome.
A fiery lava biome engulfs the South-West side of World’s Edge.


It’s not clear that any circle patterns really make this bug particularly helpful, but it’s still bound to get patched out by Respawn Entertainment. Since it should be a relatively simple fix, be sure to troll your trusting squadmates sooner rather than later if you are so inclined.