Apex Legends mod adds Fortnite-style building mechanic

Alex Garton
Apex Fortnite building mechanic

Taking inspiration from another BR title, an Apex Legends mod has added Fortnite building mechanics to the R5Reloaded server.

When it comes to building mechanics in FPS titles, there’s only one game that comes to mind and that’s Fortnite. With players making walls to block bullets and creating platforms high up in the sky, it’s not something you’d expect to fit into Apex Legends.

Well, although Respawn is relatively limited in what new mechanics they can add to their game, modders are not, and that’s exactly why a few have banded together to add a building system into the title.

Although it’s in its early stages at this point, players can already place down platforms as well as rotate them to create huge structures.

Apex Legends Fortnite
Apex Legends was released all the way back in 2019.

Apex Legends modders add building system to create structures

A set of Apex Legends modders on the R5Relaoded server have decided to create their very own in-game building system. Although the mechanic looks like Fortnite in its early stages, the creators plan on adding over 1300 assets.

In its current state as shown by YouTuber Skepation, it is only possible to add dummies and place down Fortnite-style platforms.

While this means basic structures can be made and used to block off enemies, it’s clear they’re aiming to create a building system similar to Halo Forge in the future.

Although it’s nowhere near finished, it’d be interesting to jump into R5Reloaded and have a match while being able to build walls in combat. It likely wouldn’t make for a balanced and fair experienced, but it’d certainly be entertaining to watch.

Whether it’s speeding up the World’s Edge train, adding the Smart Pistol to the game, or making the Kraber fully automatic, the R5Reloaded server allows modders to experiment and test out loads of incredible mechanics.

This building system is just another feature to add to the list and it’ll be interesting to keep track of it and see how it evolves over time. Who knows, players may even be able to create their very own custom maps in the future.