Apex Legends not nominated at Game Awards for first time ever & fans are delighted

Connor Bennett
apex battle pass

Apex Legends players are glad that the battle royale has, for the first time in five years, been ignored for yearly awards as they believe it needs an “overhaul.”

For the last few seasons now, Apex Legends’ player count has been slowly dropping off. Fans have been frustrated by cheaters running riot, the servers constantly lagging, and key updates being overlooked for longer than they should have. 

Season 23 has looked to entice some of those players back. Instead of focusing on a new legend, weapon, or map, Respawn fixed some key issues and reworked some legends. Yet, the average player count is still a far cry from where it was last year. 

On top of that, with awards season coming up, the battle royale has been overlooked in the live service and ongoing game categories that it has been a staple of since 2019. 

Some fans are viewing that as a good thing, hoping it will lead to the “overhaul” that they believe the game needs. 

“Objectively the state of the game is one of the worst ones out there and getting any sort of award nomination would just reassure EA and Respawn that the direction they’re taking the game into is a “good” one when it’s the complete opposite,” one fan said

“This game needs an overhaul. Should’ve did what Epic Games did to Fortnite and shut it down and taken both the loss and the time to give their game a new engine with reworked mechanics and upgrade their servers,” another added.

“I love Apex and I think it’s overall a good game, but it is not deserving of any awards based on especially the last couple years,” commented another. 

Both Respawn and EA have played down the idea of revitalizing the battle with an Apex 2.0 release. Instead, they’re focusing on the current game and what they can do with that. So, the sweeping overhaul that fans want might be a touch limited.