Apex Legends November 14 update patch notes: Catalyst rework, Freezing glitch fixed, more

Eleni Thomas
Apex November 14 update header

Apex Legends November 14 update – while small – offers up some quality of life improvements to the game and to new Legend Eclipse. Here’s everything you need to know about the update and the full list of patch notes.

Season 15 of Apex Legends arrived at the beginning of November, the new season bringing with it a new Legend, new map, and some changes to map pool and gameplay. As with any new big content drop, new glitches and issues have popped up in the following weeks.

And while the latest update may be small, it looks to address a number of those recent issues. Here’s everything you need to know for the latest Apex Legends update, 1.000.025.

Catalyst rework improves character fluidity and animations

One of the biggest parts of Season 15 was the introduction of the new Legend Catalyst. The defender – who specializes in area denial –  has had some issues since launch with fluidity and character design. As a result, this new update focuses on cleaning up Catalyst audio ability audio so that other players aren’t so easily alerted when a gamer uses one of her abilities.

As well as this, the bug in which Seer’s passive heartbeat sensor was able to go through Catalyst’s ult has since been fixed.

Apex freezing glitch has now been fixed 

One of the biggest issues lately has been a game-freezing glitch that players have been encountering at random. When the glitch occurs, gamers are forced to completely restart the program in order to get back into Apex.

And while this freezing issue has been primarily found on the Broken Moon map, Apex players across Reddit have reporting it happening on others as well. This new update promises to fix this issue. However, it appears that the other major bug that has popped up recently – known as the heirloom glitch – is still causing problems for players.

Apex legends November 14 Patch Notes:

The following changes have been made to Apex Legends as per the latest set of patches:

  • Mark all replicator zones prompt is available in the dropship
  • Seer can use Survey Beacons again
  • Catalyst ability audio has been tweaked to be less noisy for those nearby 
  • The camera is now currently placed for victims of Catalyst’s finishers
  • Seer’s passive heartbeat sensor no longer goes through Catalyst’s ult
  • Onscreen effects now display correct VFX on Switch
  • Resolved a freeze affecting some players on Broken Moon and other maps