New Apex Legends Olympus POI could be teasing Season 11 map update

Andrew Amos
Apex Legends Season 11 Olympus new POI map teaser Tropics

A mysterious new POI has been added onto Apex Legends’ Olympus as part of the Evolution Collection event patch. The parachute pod pays homage to Bangalore’s MIA brother, and could be a teaser of the game’s fourth map.

Map teasers are commonplace in Apex Legends, with new objects and POIs dropping every season to tease upcoming reworks.

However, the lore surrounding the latest Season 11 teaser which dropped on Olympus, points towards the whole new Tropics map.

Apex Legends is getting a fourth map soon, and the newest teaser on Olympus could be a big hint to its origins.

New Olympus POI located near Gardens teases Season 11 changes

The POI, located East of Gardens and between Powerstation East and Welcome Center, is a bright orange “primary parachute pod”.

It’s a significant reference for Bangalore, whose brother Jackson is currently MIA after falling back onto a collapsing cruiser.

“Huh. This looks like… no. No way. Can’t be,” she says when you approach the pod.

There are a bunch of related teasers once you step inside. While the cramped interior has some loot, players are more interested in tidbits like the “contacting origin ship” message on the laptop abandoned on the bunks.

These IMC parachute pods have to connect back to an even-bigger cruiser, which might be located on the upcoming Tropics map.

Apex Legends Season 11 Olympus teaser dates

The new Olympus POI teaser didn’t just drop in randomly with nothing for dataminers to grab either.

‘Shrugtal’ dug in and found four teaser dates relating to the ship. These new teasers will drop on October 14, 16, 18, and 20. As it evolves, players will become closer to understanding not only the origins of the pod, but the upcoming map updates.

While it’s dropped onto Olympus, it’s unlikely we’ll see a big rework of the map given recent changes in Season 9. However, a new POI in the pods place may be added.

It’s likely to be alluding to that new map, but only time will tell what is in those teasers, and what challenges players will have to complete to solve the puzzle.