Apex Legends pick rates: Most popular Legends in Season 23

Calum Patterson
Pick rate in Apex Legends

Season 23 of Apex Legends has arrived, and the latest pick rates will tell you which Legends are dominating the meta right now.

Pick rate data can be valuable for players across all experience levels in Apex Legends. It’s handy for anyone looking to switch up the main Legend they’re using.

The pick rate numbers are pulled from a database of 25 million players, so while it doesn’t include the entire player base for the battle royale, it’s still a big sample size that offers some great insight.

Apex Legends Pick Rates

Here are the current pick rates for each Legend as of November 13, 2024.

RankLegendPick Rate
#7Mad Maggie4.1%

Pick rate data via ApexLegendsStatus.

Make sure to check back regularly as we’ll keep you updated as the percentages change and various pick rates move up and down.

Below you can also find a graph displaying the current pick rates of each Legend in the game.

A custom graph highlighting Apex Legends pick rates as of Season 23.

The most used Legends in Apex Legends Season 23

Support Legend Linelife is currently the most popular Legend in the Battle Royale. She’s got fantastic healing and reviving skills and is an ideal choice for anyone looking to play more of a Support role rather than carry a match.

Season 23 came with a substantial Lifeline rework. Her abilities have received changes – including an entirely new Ultimate. This means she no longer calls down a care package but instead has a shield. This Halo Shield System can heal any players who step inside it (including your enemies), and it blocks bullets.

An image of Lifeline in Apex Legends keyart.
Lifeline has received a big rework in Season 23.

Alongside Lifeline’s specific changes, all Support Legends can now move faster while healing, revive their allies faster, and grant health regen to their ally on a successful revival. All of these changes have made Lifeline a popular choice for fans as she’s dominating the pick rates.

Pathfinder is the second most popular Legend in the game. The movement specialist has sat high in the meta for a while, and although he’s fallen down slightly is still reining strong near the top of the meta.

Respawn has tweaked his ability quite a bit over the years, and starting in Season 16, his speed on ziplines was doubled, and he can place his ultimate twice as far.

While there’s a bit of a learning curve, once you can master his skills, especially the Grappling Hook, you can start dominating matches. He’s easily the Legend with the strongest mobility in the game, so it’s no surprise he’s got the highest pick rate right now.

The biggest meta standout at the start of Season 23 came with Newcastle dethroning Pathfinder. Though it didn’t last long, Newcastle is the third most popular Legend at the time of writing. This is a big shift considering he was at the bottom of the pick rates during Season 22.

Newcastle is a Support Legend with a Mobile Shield, he’s another solid choice if you’d rather play the supporting role in a match.

The latest patch has also let players reposition the Shield even when Newcastle is downed, and it no longer takes damage.

An image of Newcastle key art in Apex Legends.
Newcastle is currently the third most popular Legend.

Despite being overtaken, Octane is still in the top Legends placing fourth in pick rates. This is likely thanks to how fun he is to use. He’s always the fastest Legend on the battlefield able to zip past his enemies and dash into action to aid his teammates thanks to his Stim ability.

Finally, Wraith has always been a popular choice. Having the opportunity to take more risks and dip in and out of firefights with Into The Void is also something fans have always loved. She’s also ideal at getting her team out of sticky situations.

If you’re looking for more information on Legends in the game, check out all the voice actors who bring them to life, how old the characters are, and which Legends are LGBTQIA+.