Apex Legends player discovers “extremely rare” R99 secret reload animation
Respawn EntertainmentAn Apex Legends player has discovered another secret reload animation, this time relating to the ever popular R99 submachine gun.
Despite launching way back in 2019, Apex Legends players continue to discover easter eggs and hidden content that developers Respawn throw in to maximize the immersion.
We recently saw a Titanfall 2 easter egg hiding in plain sight, while the third person firing range easter egg continues to be possible in-game.
This particular easter egg falls more under the category of secret animations though. Back in 2019, just after Apex Legends’ release, players found that the G7 Scout had a secret reload animation. Now, the same has been discovered of the R99 SMG.
Apex Legends player discovers secret R99 reload animation
Highlighted on Reddit by ‘Jemaniema’, the R99’s secret animation was triggered when the player ran adjacent to the lava pools that separate Fragment West and Fragment East on World’s Edge.
As they reloaded, their character discarded the R99’s used magazine by tossing it down into the lava, before replacing it with a full magazine.
The animation is very cool and has remained largely undiscovered since Apex’s launch.
OP was originally confused by the secret animation, but went on to say they think it’s a R99 exclusive as a result of some further research.
They said: “I did some testing and it happens when you reload a R99 in this spot. I tried it with a Volt and it did the normal one so I don’t know if there are any other weapons that do [it], but it works sometimes with a R99. I don’t know how rare it is.”
Some did suggest it was a reload bug but, given OP’s ability to recreate it subsequently, it seems more likely to be a secret animation.
With the R99 joining the G7 as one of the game’s weapons to boast a secret reload animation, we’re almost certain there’s more hidden in Apex’s immersive world. It’s just a case of finding them.