Apex Legends player hypes his wife up after heartwarming coaching session
Respawn EntertainmentThis loving husband shows his wife how to use Pathfinder in Apex Legends, hyping her up as she learns some complex movement tech and cheering her on to the finish line.
Video games can be stressful and hard to master, especially for a game like Apex Legends. There are a lot of legends to learn and perfect.
For newer players or for players who never had a chance to use certain legends, finding the character that’s right for them can be difficult. And learning how to use that character is yet another challenge.
Luckily, there are people out there who love to teach and do it well; this husband is one of those people.
Apex Legends goes from hectic to wholesome
In this video, we get to see the moment a wife learns how perform a grapple trick using Pathfinder in Apex Legends.
Giving direction can be hard, especially when someone doesn’t grasp the concept immediately and continues to mess up or make mistakes.
But not only is her husband an amazing teacher, but he also supports her the entire way, using kind words of encouragement and even telling her how proud he is at the end.
The comments on the post are just as wholesome as the video, as one commenter said “‘Pathfinder sweat’! That’s so cute.”
This husband is not only patient and understanding as his wife learns the ropes, but he also continues to hype her up every time she makes progress.
His wife, the original poster, commented that “I was struggling for like 10 min to comprehend it. But he was so patient with me.”
This short clip is a reminder that, at the end of the day, competitive video games can be about more than reaching the highest rank on the ladder and pulling off insane, montage-worthy clips. A game like Apex Legends can also be a great way to bond with loved ones.