Apex Legends player finds bug that makes Lifeline’s drones unbreakable
Respawn EntertainmentAn Apex Legends player discovered a new bug the hard way when Lifeline’s Drone acted indestructible when they tried to shoot through it to get to an enemy, failing miserably.
Lifeline has been in Apex since day 1, and has been a go-to legend ever since primarily for her powerful healing abilities. Even though we’ve had well over a year to learn her kit, some bugs are still popping up.
We all know the futility of trying to attack a Lifeline’s shield while she rezzes a teammate, but it’s also worth noting that a new bug is turning her healing drone invulnerable, making it impossible to destory.
That’s right, while it may be small, with the bug it sure is mighty, though to be fair you don’t often see the Drone being used as cover, because so far it’s been destructible.
So, the clip below can really teach us two lessons here: think twice before shooting through the drone, and that Lifelines should think about crouching behind it whenever possible, because you never know, right?
In the shot, Reddit user TheChapelOfWhite comes upon the unsuspecting healer and seems to be well on their way to an easy kill. That is until they empty a full clip into the drone, which does nothing but alert the other player and their squad.
After that, ChapelOfWhite is unceremoniously cut down by Lifeline’s teammates who appear almost instantly to protect their support.
It’s an embarrassing way to go out, that’s for sure, but instead of tossing their controller out the window and swearing off Apex for a few days as some would have done, they instead took to Reddit to post the clip of the apparent glitch.
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With so many new legends added in between release and where we are now, it’s kind of crazy that this hasn’t happened, or at least been shared before. Lifeline is one of the most popular legends to play as well, so it is a bit wild we’re just now seeing this bug.