Apex Legends player sparks debate by comparing it to Valorant

John Esposito
Apex Legends player sparks heated debate by comparing it to Valorant

An Apex Legends player posted a video comparing the BR title to Valorant without context, leading to a heated debate between fans of both games.

Apex Legends and Valorant are two of the top FPS titles on PC. The former is Respawn Entertainment’s take on the battle royale genre, infusing hero abilities with Titanfall lore.

The latter is Riot Games’ take on the tactical FPS scene. Much like Apex Legends, Valorant infuses hero abilities into a formula pioneered by CS:GO to great success.

Both titles require a certain set of skills necessary to dominate the competition. One player has taken the time to highlight those skills in a comparison that makes Apex Legends look a bit more complicated than Valorant. This comparison, however, has sparked a heated debate amongst gamers.

Player shows why Apex Legends is harder than Valorant

In true “impression farming” standard, EvilToaster shares a clip that compared Valorant and Apex Legends. The top clip showed Chamber as he held an angle with the Operator on Split before Sage peeked and died.

The second clip showed the same player in a 1v1 in the Apex Legends firing range. Most 1v1’s are intense, and this is no different, as both players used Peacekeepers and showed off slick movement. 

Titled “Getting a kill in Valorant, Getting a kill in Apex,” EvilToaster sparked a debate amongst players of both titles.

Many were quick to call out Toaster’s bluff. “This is like comparing GTA and World of Warcraft LMAO tf is this post,” replied one user. “Comparing a BR and a tac-shooter is crazy,” another replied.

However, Toaster did have a few supporters on their side. Someone replied “this why apex clears.”

The post itself is a bit of a troll, but there might be some form of credence to the debate.

Both Apex Legends and Valorant task players with ability coordination. They also require players to know how each character functions, weaknesses, and optimal strategies.

There’s also the fact that both are FPS titles, with one of them requiring good crosshair placement and map knowledge and the other requiring much more tracking and movement. If you sat down and thought about it, there might be something to debate as to Apex Legends being more difficult to master.